Transformers Movie Wiki
Movie Bobby Bolivia

Robert "Bobby" Bolivia owns and operates Bolivia's Finest Quality Used Cars and Petting Zoo. A car salesman of the tackily dressed, Hawaiian-shirts-'n'-sporty-hat-preferring, always smiling, overly friendly, back-slapping, smooth-talking, horsehockey-spewing variety, he claims that a driver doesn't choose the car, it's the car that chooses its driver.

Though sometimes a car picks a driver with a cheapass father. There are also times where a car picks a driver and takes rejection very poorly.

His favorite cars are the kinds that come from Alabama. He's also not afraid to sell cars that mysteriously appear on his lot, despite not possessing the proper legal paperwork and records of the vehicle being sold.

Bobby's mammy lives in sight of his car dealership, and apparently he has wronged her in some way. Their relationship is summarized by her flipping him off and him wishing he had a rock to "bust her head with".
