Cybertron is the home planet of the Cybertronians. It was rendered uninhabitable because of the Decepticons starting the Great War. It's also the planet form of Primus.
Transformers (2007)[]
Cybertron was a world created by a device known as the AllSpark. With its power, it gave rise to the Transformers, but their civilization soon fell to war over control of the AllSpark—and when the AllSpark was jettisoned from Cybertron, both Autobots and Decepticons chose to pursue it into the depths of space.

Shortly after arriving on Earth, Optimus Prime showed Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes a hologram of Cybertron so as to highlight the ruthlessness of his ancient foe Megatron.
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen[]
In ancient times, Cybertron was ruled by the Primes, a powerful race of Transformers, who refuelled the AllSpark by extinguishing suns, constructing vast harvesters that would extinguish suns to refuel the life-giving device. When the Primes visited Earth 17,000 years in the past, however, one of their number chose to sacrifice Earth by constructing a harvester on the planetary surface.
This, in turn, would lead to the sacrifice of the Primes, who sealed the Matrix of Leadership required to activate said machine in a tomb composed of their own bodies
Transformers: Dark of The Moon[]
At the end of the Great War, Sentinel Prime attempted to leave Cybertron aboard the Ark, carrying a cargo of space bridge pillars. Using these, he hoped he would be able to teleport Cybertron to Earth, and plunder the resources of the organic world in order to restore his ruined planet.
Though his plan would be delayed by the crash of his ship on Earth's Moon, Sentinel would reveal his alliance of convenience with the Decepticons in 2011, and attempt to teleport his homeworld into orbit. However, Bumblebee destroyed the master pillar before Cybertron could fully emerge from the portal, and the planet seemingly collapsed as it fell back through the portal.
Transformers: Age of Extinction[]
Though Cybertron had survived its apparent destruction, the cataclysm left it condensed to a much smaller size than before (only slightly larger than Earth's Moon) with several of its continents precariously attached to its core by large metallic cables. The sorceress Quintessa based herself on Cybertron, along with several Decepticon forces, and opted for a variation of Sentinel Prime's plan to restore Cybertron. Instead of draining Earth's resources to revive Cybertron, she would drain the life from Unicron (the core of the Earth) to revive Cybertron. To do this, she required a staff from Earth and Optimus Prime and thus sent Lockdown to retrieve the latter while she moved Cybertron into Earth's orbit
Transformers: The Last Knight[]
As the planet entered the Sol System, Optimus Prime crashed landed on it where Quintessa found him, brainwashed him and sent him back to Earth after she explained her plan to him. Cybertron's entry into the solar system caused Unicron's six horns to sprout from Earth's crust as the Chaos Bringer reacted to Primus' approach. Human scientists tracked Cybertron's approach and predicted it would collide with, and destroy, the Earth. Cybertron hid its final approach into the solar system behind the Sun, blinding the European Space Agency from tracking it before its trailing continents caused large gashes on the surface of the Moon.
When Cybertron arrived in Earth's orbit, its continents slammed into the Earth and caused massive destruction. Quintessa and Megatron then began the ritual, draining Unicron's life force into Cybertron. Cybertron then began knitting itself back together, its continents reconnecting and the damage from the Great War vanishing as the planet began to regain its larger size. The Autobots and the TRF however managed to halt their efforts which left Cybertron in Earth's orbit. Enough of Unicron's life force had been transmitted to it that it had healed most of its damage and that Optimus felt it was time for all Autobots in the galaxy to return to their homeworld.
At the time of its partial restoration, Cybertron possessed notably organic landscapes such as grassy hills. As these were visible from space as the planet approached Earth, it is unknown if they were a natural part of the planet or if Cybertron collected this feature during its journey through interstellar space.
The New Timeline:[]

Wracked by civil war between the Decepticons and the Autobot resistance, it became clear to Optimus Prime that the Autobots could not hold out on their besieged planet forever, and ordered his Autobot soldiers to abandon their home and regroup elsewhere in the cosmos.
One such warrior, the young Autobot B-127 was sent to scout out the planet Earth, which, eventually, became the temporary fallback position for other Autobot refugees from across the galaxy.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts[]
In 1994, Optimus Prime and the other Autobots theorized that they could use the Transwarp Key to return to Cybertron, mentioning their home planet several times.
After the Autobots lidered by Optimus Prime, the Maximals lidered by Optimus Primal and the Humans, Noah Diaz and Elena Wallace had to destroy the Transwarp Key to prevent Unicron from devouring the Earth, saving the Earth but preventing it from being able to return to Cybertron, at least for now.
One Timeline:[]
Transformers One[]
Cybertron was the alternate mode of Primus, who had first populated the planet with the Thirteen. Via the power of the Matrix of Leadership, energon flowed in abundance until the Quintessons invaded. The Thirteen led the defence of their homeworld until they were betrayed by their principle aid Sentinel Prime who sold out his race to the Quintessons by leading the Primes into an ambush.
Though Sentinel thought to claim the Matrix from Zeta Prime's corpse, the talisman rejected him and dematerialized. With the planet failing to produce fresh energon in the absence of the Matrix, the newly crowned Sentinel Prime spun a lie to his people as they retreated to Cybertron's underground, harvesting the transformation cogs of yet to born Cybertronians to act as miners who would mine energon crystals from the planet's lowest levels. Travel to the surface became restricted to only Sentinel and his inner retinue, where they delivered tributes of energon to the Quintesson High Commander.
Fifty cycles after Sentinel's betrayal, Orion Pax proved himself worthy of the Matrix and was reborn as Optimus Prime, energon flowing through Cybertron once again as the planet returned the mining class' transformation cogs. As the leader of the Autobots, Optimus beamed a message into space, warning the Quintessons to stay away from Cybertron.
External links[]
- Cybertron from Transformers Titans Wikia
- Cybertron from Beast Wars Transformers Wikia
- Cybertron from Extraterrestial Wikia
- Cybertron from Beast Wars Wikia
- Cybertron (planet) & Cybertron (Prime) from Transformers Wikia
- Cybertron (planet) & its Wildlife & Points of Interests from
- Cybertron from Robot Supremacy Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: War for Cybertron Wikia
- Cybertron from Aliens Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: Dark of the Moon Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: The Great War Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Titans: Animated Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Universe MUX Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Prime Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Robots in Disguise Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers2005 MUSH Wikia
- Cybertron from Memory Beta Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Cyberverse Wikia
- Cybertron from Robots In Disguise MUSH Wikia
- Cybertron from Ghostbusters Wikia
- Cybertron Planet from Transformers Fanon Wikia
- Cybertron from TCU Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Universe Wikia
- Cybertron from Jaden's Adventures Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: Legacy of The Primes Wikia
- Cybertron from Adventures of Chris And Tifa Wikia
- Cybertron from Robots Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Universal Wikia