Transformers Movie Wiki

Simon Clay is Stealth One, ineffectual underling to the enigmatic Stealth Leader. Though he doesn't seem to be aware of Stealth Leader's eventual aims, he seems happy enough to go along with whatever plans his master cooks up. Dropshot regards him as arrogant, but that might just be because he's giving Decepticons orders.


Transformers Classified[]

"Switching Gears"[]

When Dropshot, Bombshock, and Tracer were sent to attack the Nevada Test and Training Range, Simon Clay and his black van were a safe distance away, observing and keeping in touch with Dropshot via walkie talkie. The mission failed due to the arrival of Autobots, and as Clay fled the scene in his van, he contacted the mysterious Stealth Leader to report the outcome. Stealth Leader ordered him back to base.

Clay drove at speed. Near Hurley's Crossing, he would have accidentally killed Kevin Bowman were it not for the actions of Gears though the appearance of the Autobot made Clay assume he was being followed. By the time he reached base, a second operation at Hawthorne Army Depot had also failed, and he was forced to impart the bad news to Stealth Leader by phone, however Stealth Leader believed they had enough information to go ahead with Project Nightbridge.

"Battle Mountain"[]

Stealth Leader had Clay send him footage of Reverb's defeat, and instructed him to oversee the theft of twelve prototype tanks from Hyperdynamix as well as the freeing of Reverb. Despite the loss of the other Decepticons they used to carry out the plan, they successfully obtained the tanks. Reverb was also successfully freed, and Clay subsequently found himself having to share accommodation with the Decepticon.

"Satellite of Doom"[]

Clay dwelt in an abandoned mine with the Decepticon until Stealth Leader once again had need of their services. The pair were dispatched with the tanks to ambush a NEST convoy on Highway 99 using the stolen tanks. The ambush went well, but Reverb was unexpectedly called away mid-battle to attend to other matters, leaving Clay attempting to control the tanks himself. He proved inept at it, until Stealth Leader told him their autonomous programming was still in place and he could let them drive themselves.
